Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - A Biblical Response

COVID-19 (Source: Google Images)

Jesus’ words ‘love your neighbours as yourself’ motivates us to response in time of epidemics. History witnesses that during plagues Christians demonstrated the Christ-like love to both Christians and non-Christians equally by ministering them in their sickness, which had opened the opportunity to spread the gospel. Many of us may think that epidemics are the work of an angry God, but we need to understand that it is result of human revolt against God’s holy law. 
At present, there are 116 confirmed cases of Novel Coronavirus in India[1]. Our government has taken every possible steps to tackle this pandemics. But many health experts has warned that there may be thousands who are affected at the moment and we don’t know about them[2]. However as a Christian we need to understand that our God is sovereign and nothing happens without HIS knowledge and out of HIS control (Lam. 3:37-39). Now again the epidemic of COVID-19 in India has raised the valid question: how should we respond to this growing epidemic?  

Watchful in Prayer (2 Chro. 7:14).

There is an atmosphere of fear. The outbreak of COVID-19 has hit badly the sectors of tourism, airlines, transports, etc. in our land. It has affected us every sphere of our life directly or indirectly. Government in different states has asked to close down the educational institutions and has banned large gathering in public places.  
But we as a Christians should stop to worry about ourselves only and pray for those who has been affected with COVID-19 and the families who have lost their loved ones in this pandemic.  Never forget what the Word says – “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Rom. 12:15) and “… the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick  ...” (Jam. 5:15). Therefore let us pray together for healing of the sick; and for the safety of our doctors, nurses and other medical staffs.

Walk to Minister the Sick (Matthew 25:34-40) 

We need to understand that the outbreak of COVID-19 has opened the door of effective service for us, even there is high risk to lose our own lives. In 1527, when the plague hit Wittenberg, Martin
"In the time of epidemic, people need our ministry, which strengthens and comforts them to overcome fear and even death."
Luther refused to flee from the city and protect himself. Rather he and his wife Katharina (although she was pregnant) stayed there to minister the sick. It is said that Christians in Wuhan also responded similarly who came out to aid their sick neighbours. The Scripture encourages us to demonstrate our love in deed, even we ought to lay down our lives for brothers. (1 John 3:16-18).  In the time of epidemic, people need our ministry, which strengthens and comforts them to overcome fear and even death. Therefore let us minister together the sick, no matter what.  

Wash your hands properly

We also need to understand that our bodies are gifts from God and need to be protected as possible as. Health experts have advised that wash your hands with soap or use an alcohol-based antibacterial sanitizer in order to protect yourself from infection and keep at least three feet distance from the patients. The first rule of safety teaches us that first you should be safe before you try to rescue someone from calamity. Our motivation for personal hygiene is not for self-preservation from diseases only, but we should be able to provide better service for the sick and to avoid the further spread of disease. Therefore let us wash our hands frequently. 

Wait in Quarantine

There are chances to be infected with COVID-19, while we minister the sick. So we should be ready to follow government and medical advice. It is advised that the sick should cover his mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing; and walk away from all kind of physical contacts and seek the medical help. It is not an expression of unbelief or fear, but it is act of wisdom in order to reduce the threat of infection to others. The Lord himself had given the strict quarantine regulations through Moses to those who would suffer with infectious disease (Levi. 13:1-59).
"We should remember that if sickness would spread because of our negligence and causes death, it is murder in the sight of God."
 The Coronavirus is highly contiguous and can be spread easily. We should remember that if sickness would spread because of our negligence and causes death, it is murder in the sight of God. Therefore Let us obey the rules of quarantine in order to express our love to our neighbours.


It is not time to be panic, but to see it as an opportunity to pray, to minister the sick and share the gospel. We should spread the awareness regarding the COVID-19 and prevention from it among our people to whom we minister. I have seen some good changes because of this pandemic. Government hospitals have improved their facilities and villagers are becoming more aware for personal cleanliness. It is time for us to accept HIS sovereignty (Job. 42:2; Ps. 115:3, 135:6; Isaiah 46:10) with humility.

It is worthy to listen what Pastor Huang Lei of the Root and Foot Christian Church (RFCC) at Wuhan City, who decided to stay to care for his sheep, rescue the lives of unbelievers and clam the fearful souls of Christians, has expressed, “if Christian are more afraid of death than the world during a disaster, then the suffering they have endured would be in vain. God wants us to overcome difficulties through Him. This epidemic provides an opportunity for us to introspect our faith, reflect on ourselves, and strengthen our spiritual life and to depend on God.[3]” It is my prayer that God may grant us courage to pray,  face the crisis and serve our neighbours during this growing epidemic.  


Gilbert, Grayson (Patheos) Martin Luther and His Incredible Response to the Black Plague

COVID – 19, Photo Retrieved from Google images on 18th March, 2020


[3] Gina Goh, Persecution – International Christian Concern, A Wuhan Church Finds God’s Grace amid Coronavirus Scare, Retrieved on 18th March, 2020


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