Hold Fast on Jesus During the Pandemic (Heb. 4:14-16)
Once again, the world is shutting down. Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has caused anxiety and fear within us about our own health, jobs, and so on. People surrounding us have been suffering and dying that most of us never expected. The new variant of Coronavirus (known as the Second wave of Covid pandemic) has caused a devastating crisis in our country and most people are dying due to the shortage of sufficient facilities and equipment i.e. liquid oxygen, ventilators, medicines, beds, etc. in the hospitals. Some experts believe that ‘ the true number of deaths is two to five times what is being reported . ’ ( [1] ) In spite of launching the vaccine in January, the number of new cases and deaths are continued to rise. In this such circumstance, most of us may be struggling to see God at work and began to think that God has left or ignored us. Some of us may be grieving and mourning over dear ones who have passed away due to the pandemic. It is not p...