
Showing posts from April, 2018

Not an Unknown God, But the Risen Christ (Acts 17:22-34)

Paul was preaching the Gospel in the city of Athens and there were different opinion among Athenians what Paul preached. Some said that he seemed to be preacher of foreign divinities – because he was preaching Christ and the resurrection (vs.17:18). When Paul preached about Jesus Christ, some people of the city considered as the foreign God. We also hear from our neighbours or villagers that the God called Jesus is an American God. But it is not historical true. If you know the history of India, you will find that before the Gospel was preached in Europe, it was preached by one of Jesus’ disciples named Thomas who came to India in 52 AD and preached the Gospel.   I myself have visited the place called Niranam in Kerala where Thomas established the Church and still it exists. Today you can visit the place of Chennai City called St. Thomas Mount, where Thomas was murdered and it gives the evidence that Jesus Christ was preached in India before even America came to exist. W...

True Happiness through Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness (Matthew 5:6)

Biologically every living thing needs food and water to grow and to survive. It is said that an average person can survive 21 days without food and 3 days without water. Hunger and thirst is a sign of life . No one has to teach someone to be hunger and thirst. It is natural for even a baby longing for mother’s milk. Peter writes in the epistle, “ Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation ” (1 Peter 2:2). A dead never have to hunger and thirst. It is also a sign of good health . One of the most important questions a doctor can ask a patient in the course of an examination is ‘how is your appetites’. Because lack of appetites is always a cause of concern and may be a symptom of serious disease.   This same principle can be applied for our spiritual life. When being a believer we have little or no appetites for spiritual things, something is seriously wrong, although outwardly everything seems perfectly in order. Scott...

Why Should I Need to Believe in Jesus Christ? (John 3:1-21)

John narrates an incident in his Gospel which is found in Chapter 3. It is familiar for us because John 3:16 is found in this chapter. A Jewish religious teacher named Nicodemus went to Jesus in night and had a conversation. Jesus didn’t care about his theology, his work-based religion, his position in Sanhedrin and his knowledge of Scripture. Nicodemus begins the conversation saying, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” (Jn. 3:2). When he saw miracles of Jesus, he believed in HIM, but his belief has touched his head, not heart. Therefore, Jesus answered the question Nicodemus didn’t even ask. Nicodemus stands as an illustration of men, who know historical Christ, but ignore HIS deity. In every generation of Christians has presented HIM in terms which are appropriate to their own age and culture. So we have has several portraits of Jesus. In which some time we have lost his real identity. For exa...

For HE Has Risen (Matthew 28:1-10)

What would be, if Jesus Christ has not been raised from the dead? Apostle Paul writes to the church of Corinth precisely that if Christ has not been raised from the dead, our preaching is in vain; and if our preaching is in vain, our faith is futile; and we are still in our sins. Then those who have died in Christ have perished forever. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are the most pitiable people among all people of the world. (1 Cor. 15:12-19, Paraphrased). In other words, if there is no resurrection of Christ, there is no gospel; no forgiveness of sin, no salvation, even there is no hope for the eternal life. The resurrection of Christ is the main theme of our Gospel and every disciple of Christ testified of it in their preaching and epistles. Peter preached about the resurrection of Christ in the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:24-32); before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:10); in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10:39-40). Paul preached about the resurrection of Christ at An...